From ancillary supplier for local agriculture to international industrial supplier
The family business of Bouton in Vlamertinge (Brandhoek) arose several generations ago, even before World War I.
In 1970 Fernand Bouton and José Patou took over the business from father Julien Bouton. At that time Bouton was a dealer in grains, fertilizers, animal feed and seed grains. As a result of strong growth the company invested in a new site with a weighbridge further down the street in 1980. The new site not only created more storage capacity but especially enabled the family business to realize its further ambitions.

New generation
José Patou died in 1987 at the age of 39. From that time the three children (Katrien, Charlot and Pieter) helped their father run the business. In 1992 the oldest daughter Katrien Bouton joined her father's business. In 2000 she took over control completely with her husband Alexander Vermeersch. The current generation is ready to put Bouton more widely on the map!

Investing to grow
Under their management the business was thoroughly modernized. Alexander and Katrien were also convinced that they could offer a broader product range and find new markets. Consequently substantial investments were made in 2004. A maize-drying plant was bought, new warehouses were built and the first employee was also engaged.

Alexander and Katrien continued to look for new opportunities. In 2010 the first grain-flaking mill was started. It became the basis of the production of flakes. As a result of their customer orientation, flexibility and consistent quality the family business realized annual growth.
Today about twenty employees are active at Bouton. They all apply the same values and ensure that Bouton can offer quality products every single day, from a company where the customer occupies centre stage.